
Servo shelf

This piece of furniture does not fit in any classic typologie, it's a mixture mostly of a shelf, side table and drinking cabinet. It is designed to give extra working and storing surface, especilly by cocktail making and serving. It has different parts where you can easily store or put down things: two console like side shelf in midle height and the top (counter) surface, where you can work as well. The middle part can be used as a container for biger objects / glasses of alcohol. 

The furniture was designed as a board structure, where boards are arenged in the three main coordinate vector (x,y,z) directions. The gaps between the boards creates an interesting abstract rithm, and overlaying visual play of lines, which makes the furniture as a result airy and light. Additional elements are the square shaped granite cutting board and the U shaped folded stainless steel elliptic 'cover element'.

Scots pine, 120,6 x 34,6 x 103,3 cm

Client: Balázs Jákli, 2018

Photo: Dávid Kovács